Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Attached is information and application forms for the following scheduled workshops:

1. Julyan Davis, Oil — April 12-14, 2010 — $250
2. Alan McCarter, Acrylic — May 10-12, 2010 — $250

Each is a 3-day workshop, and will be held at the usual location:
Church of Christ, 1975 Haywood Road, Hendersonville, North Carolina

To sign up please print out the application and mail to me, with your check, to the address at the bottom of the application, or you may give it to me at ALHC meetings.

When I receive your application and check, or if you have already sent in your application and check, you will receive a confirmation by email (or mail).

Possible Watercolor and Pastel workshops are being considered and information will be emailed to you (and available at meetings) as soon as they are finalized.

We are considering a local 3-day Watercolor Workshop with James Scott Morrison, but some have questioned whether there would be enough interest because of the fact that he already teaches many classes in the area. We would need about 8 to 10 students and have 3 or 4 "YES" from his non-ALHC student list. This survey is to determine possible interested ALHC members in taking a 3-day workshop from Jim, probably late September or early October, 2010. If you would be interested please reply to this email with "YES JIM" or "NO JIM" in the subject line.

A pastel workshop is being considered with well-known British pastel artist and workshop instructor Barry Watkin. You may see his website at http://www.barrywatkin.co.uk/ I would appreciate any comments you pastel artists may have.

If you have any questions, or a problem printing out the application form, please contact me.

Gailon Morisette
ALHC 2010 Workshop Chairman

2010 Schedule


May 20, Virginia Pendergast - Oils "Doing Landscapes Painterly" home.earthlink.net/vependerg
June 11, Bill Jameson - Oils - williamjameson.com
IMPORTANT: This is a FRIDAY the week before our regularly scheduled
meeting--moved to avoid conflict with Garrett workshop
July 15 Hefley/Conningsby - Oils Cape Cod School of Impressionism
Aug 19 Elsie Dresch -Pastels elsiedresch.com
Sept 16 Don Blackwell Combo Drawing and Pointillism


June 16-18 Phil Garrett Acrylic philgarrett.com
July 21-23 John Mac Kah Oils johnmackah.com
Aug 18-20 Elsie Dresch Pastels elsiedresch.com


If you have any comments or suggestions as to our programs and workshops for 2010
please email Jim Hefley: *jhefley@charter.net.*